We carry out our calling by walking in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. We also believe that we are to carry out our mission in practical projects that express the heart of the King and his kingdom. As we give ourselves to see the kingdom advance in the places the Lord is calling us to target, we plant churches, operate ministry schools, orphanages, rehab centers, medical clinics, and other ministries. We also conduct conferences, evangelistic crusades, and healing campaigns. We become all things to all men that we might win the more.
Ministries Vision International was born in July 1990 when two small churches, one in Palestine, Texas, and one in Tucuman, Argentina joined together to send a ministry team to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Juan Carlos Manzewitsch and Rick and Jane Paris, along with their four children, made the trip to San Miguel to engage in a week of street evangelism and then a second week of evangelistic services. Throughout that time, they were surprised by the power of God, and when the evangelistic campaign ended that second week, a church was born.
Two weeks after the church was birthed, a missions teams from Palestine Church came to San Miguel to do more street ministry and to conduct a vacation bible school. When the team from Palestine was there, the Lord gave them a song out of Psalm 2 — “My children ask me of me, and I will give you nations as an inheritance, say the Lord.” Throughout that week, they sang that song during their devotional times together, prophesying that one day God would touch the nations through this small ministry. They were only three small churches, located in 3 cities, in 3 separate countries, so this seemed really ridiculous. They had no money, no resources, and not many friends. But they did have a word and a promise from God. They believed God wanted to give them the nation of Mexico first, and then other nations would come.
In faith, they began to send out teams to minister in central Mexico. From San Miguel de Allende to Queretaro, Celaya, Cortazar, San Juan del Rio, Mexico City, and on and on until today, MVI churches and ministries stretch from the Rio Grande River in the north to the border of Guatemala in the south, from the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean in the east. Now, over 35 years later, MVI has extended into over 20 different countries worldwide, with over 1000 churches and ministries ministering in those countries.
The Bible says that God declares the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done. (Isaiah 46:10). By looking at the beginning we get a glimpse of where God is moving all of history.
In the beginning, God placed Adam, his created son, in the Garden of Eden and allowed him to enjoy the atmosphere of heaven on earth. Adam walked in God’s presence, was clothed in God’s glory, and exercised rule and dominion over his father’s kingdom. Because of sin, Adam lost all that he had experienced. But God can never be thwarted and he sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to take back what his created son lost. The last Adam came to restore the culture of Eden that the first Adam lost.
Jesus came announcing that the kingdom of God was now being brought back to earth. Heaven would be manifested on earth once again. Jesus did not come to earth simply to take us to heaven; rather he came to earth to bring heaven’s reality to us. This is the kingdom of God—heaven invading earth.
Those who believe in Jesus Christ receive the power to become the sons of God. As sons, we are not sitting around waiting to go to heaven one day. Rather as sons we are to be about our Father’s business. We are to walk with our Father, be clothed in his glory, and exercise our Father’s rule and authority in every domain of life.
Our purpose is to see the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and his Christ.